Welcome to psymeets.ai

psymeets.ai is dedicated to enhancing psychological research and practice through the integration of advanced AI technologies. It promotes innovative tools like the STENO Suite for autonomous interviewing and rating, and custom GPTs designed for psychological tasks such as manuscript review and client-centered counseling. The platform focuses on improving the acceptance and implementation of AI in professional settings, ensuring participative and transparent approaches to foster user acceptance. Explore the potential of AI to transform psychological methodologies at psymeets.ai.

Fun fact – What color has the universe? The color of the greek Ψ (‘Psi’) in the logo and the background color of posts on psymeets.ai is called Cosmic Latte and represents the mean color of all galaxies in the universe, according to Baldry et al. (2002). In hexadecimal color coding, it has the triplet #FFF8E7. Isn’t it a surprisingly friendly and calming color?

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