Category Software

Software that utilizes artificial intelligence for psychological research and application. Software might be useful for diagnostics and psychometrics, for psychological intervention and application, as well as for training and learning.

STENO Suite: Interviewer and Rater Software

The STENO Suite comprises two main components: the Interviewer and the Rater. The Interviewer autonomously conducts semi-structured interviews, generating follow-up questions and transitions based on real-time responses. It maintains anonymity and provides automatic transcriptions. The Rater evaluates and ranks text data using predefined criteria, producing multidimensional profiles and allowing human review of its decision-making processes. STENO's technology is built with Python and powered by OpenAI's GPT-4 model, offering flexibility in handling various interview topics and rating criteria.

TruthTrail: Learning With Endless True/False-Quizzes

Discover TruthTrail, an innovative AI-driven tool designed to transform lecture notes into endless true/false quizzes. Engage with your study material interactively and efficiently, receiving instant feedback and explanations to boost your learning. Perfect for students aiming to maximize their study sessions. Explore more about how TruthTrail can enhance your educational journey.

GPTs for Psychology

This page discusses custom GPTs designed for psychological research and practice.
  • PsyPeerReviewer assists in manuscript review, adhering to APA Style guidelines.
  • Armchair and Carl R. Rogers provide client-centered counseling, focusing on empathetic understanding and unconditional positive regard.
  • PsyItemGenerator generates and discusses psychological constructs and instruments.
Each GPT offers unique functionalities tailored for specific psychological needs. They are accessible via OpenAI's ChatGPT platform.